- How can I check the status of my order?
Once your order ships, you'll receive an email notification, which will provide a link to order tracking details. Occasionally, the carrier takes 1-2 business days to provide tracking info once your order ships. If you still have questions, reach out to support@vanpardo.com.
- How can I change my shipping address?
If you want to change your shipping address, please email support@vanpardo.com as soon as you can.
- Can I change or cancel my order?
Yes, if we're able to catch it in time, we can update your order! As soon as possible, please reach out to support@vanpardo.com.
- How do I make a return or exchange?
Since we have multiple warehouses, please contact our customer service email support@vanpardo.comand provide your order number to get the latest return address.
- What is the return & exchange policy?
We accept 30-day hassle-free Return Policy. If your order is within 30 days and the item is unused and unworn, we can offer a free return or exchange.
- Is there a faster express?
We provide standard time express (7-15 days) by default, if you want faster express time, you can choose our other two express services, the transit time is 6-10 days and 3-5 days respectively. Please visit our Shipping Policy for details